Integration Technology introduces the next generation of its UV LED family the SZ LEDcure. With upto 14 w/cm² peak irradiance and a lightweight construction, the SZ LEDcure has been specifically designed for the Wide Format Printing industry.
The Research and Development team at ITL have used all of the proven features and benefits of their existing LED systems and refined them to new levels in a market leading new air-cooled UV LED Curing device. When compared to the older generation of LED systems, remarkable progress has been made in the drying performance of SZ LEDcure.
By combining and integrating ITL’s latest XT8 high efficiency array and VARIcool technologies, the SZ LEDcure enables users to achieve higher efficiency and more output in terms of both intensity and dose.
High-performance LEDs
SZ LEDcure is ready to use immediately after switch on, there is no warm-up or cooling times, which saves both time and energy. LEDs have a long service life of greater than 20,000 hours,and in addition modules in the SZ LEDcure can be easily replaced if required for either upgrade or servicing. Available wavelengths: standard 395 nm, or alternative wavelengths of 365nm, 385nm, 405nm, or mixed wavelength arrays are available on request.
Integration Technology grants a warranty of five years on each XT8 LED module. Older systems can also be upgraded with the XT8 technology, then this warranty also applies those modules.New UV LED systems from ITL are all fitted with the innovative XT8 boost technology as standard.
High Flexibility
SZ LEDcure is specifically designed for the needs of the Wide Format Printing industry with up to 14W/cm² output. The modularity of SZ LEDcure allows to fully customize the system in a single housing, greatly simplifying cabling. Sizes of housings are specially designed to fit in all different models of printers with bus connectivity available as an option. According to the print width, LED arrays can be switched on/off (Addressability) or added inside the housing in 30mm steps.