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SuperTrace Probe - con't

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“ TraceEdge for non-trace processors. MULTI TimeMachine Suite. Helpful throughout the development cycle. ”
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For systems using a microprocessor with no built-in trace port, Green Hills Software’s TraceEdge trace collection solution makes it possible to tap in to the advantages of the MULTI TimeMachine Suite without switching microprocessors.

TraceEdge requires requires a minimal amount of software instrumentation to enable full TimeMachine Suite support. As a result, TraceEdge offers several unique benefits over
other instrumentation solutions:

  • Minimizes impact on run-time performance. In the common case, TraceEdge inserts only a single instruction at each instrumentation point
  • Can be quickly added to production code without timeconsuming recompilation since it merely requires you to re-link your program
  • Is independent of programming language and does not require source code
  • Enables your entire system to be traced, including application software, libraries, the operating system, and device drivers
    To get the full benefit from trace data collected with the SuperTrace probe, Green Hills Software offers the MULTI TimeMachine Suite of analysis tools. This innovative collection of tools extends the range of Green Hills Software popular MULTI IDE by providing a window into complex software interactions that can result in bugs, performance problems, and testing nightmares. The TimeMachine Suite presents this information in easy-tounderstand displays that enable developers to quickly navigate through trace data and produce better code in less time.

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