Green Hills Software provides complete solutions for the development of embedded and real-time applications built on TI DaVinci technology-based processors. With our products and services, you can produce totally-reliable, absolutely-secure, and maximum-performance devices—in the least time and with the lowest development and manufacturing costs.
Real-time operating systemsINTEGRITY®—royalty-free, POSIX® conformant RTOS that is certified/certifiable to FAA DO178B Level A, IEC61508 SIL 3 and FDA Class III international standards for totally reliable and absolutely secure applicationsvelOSity™—royalty-free RTOS with small footprint and a full range of middleware and board support packagesThird-party operating systemsLinux—advanced debugging with MULTI that includes multi-thread support, Fork/Exec debugging, device driver debugging, and Linux kernel-aware debuggingINTERNET USERS ALSO CONSULTED ON THE CATEGORY OTHER SOFTWARE
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