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GPS Pathfinder Office Software

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“ Powerful and easy to use GPS data processing software . ”
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The GPS Pathfinder® Office software is a powerful and easy-to-use software package of powerful GNSS postprocessing tools, incorporating the new Trimble® DeltaPhase™ differential correction technology, ensuring your data is consistent, reliable, and accurate.

Postprocessing gives significant improvements on your autonomous accuracy all the way down to decimeter (10 cm / 4 inch) level, depending on the environment and your GPS receiver. Using Trimble's H-Star™ technology you can achieve decimeter accuracy with the GPS Pathfinder ProXH™ and ProXRT receivers and the GeoXH™ 2008 series handheld. Alternatively, with a GeoXT™ or Juno™ series handheld, or a ProXT™ receiver, you can achieve optimal GPS code processing accuracy with the new Trimble DeltaPhase technology.

The GPS Pathfinder Office software enables you to pre-plan your field sessions and to create data dictionaries for more productive field work. In the field, the data dictionary prompts the field crew to enter specific information—ensuring data integrity and compatibility with your GIS or database. You can also create waypoint files to enhance productivity in the field.

With GPS Pathfinder Office, files can be imported from a number of GIS and database formats so your GIS data can be taken back to the field for verification and update. You can review your data in map form to confirm it is exactly what you require before transferring it to your enterprise GIS.

To maximize productivity, GPS Pathfinder Office software offers a Batch Processing utility that automatically downloads the data, differentially corrects data to increase the accuracy, and exports it to a GIS database or mapping program—all in one step.


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