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Embedded Software Development Tools for MCORE Family

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MCORE Development ToolsGreen Hills Software provides a comprehensive set of development tools for MCORE based applications:
Optimizing Compilers

Embedded C++ (EC++)
Run-Time libraries

MULTI®Integrated Development Environment
Source Level Debugger
Graphical Project Builder
Text Editor
Version Control System
Graphical Browser
Performance Profiler*
Run-Time Error Checking
Remote Target Connection
CORE Optimizing CompilersThe Green Hills Optimizing Compilers for MCORE all utilize a common code generator with architecture-specific optimizations. Each supported MCORE model has its own particular pipeline and instruction set characteristics. These are accommodated in the code generator to produce code best suited for the target processor. The Green Hills MCORE Optimizing Compilers support the following MCORE M300-specific features:

Floating Point Processor Default generates code using the hardware floating point capability of the selected processor. None rejects any use of floating pint variables for constants in C and C++. Software uses software floating point regardless of the capabiltiy of the selected processor.Run-Time libraries A comprehensive suite of run-time libraries for C, C++, and EC++ libraries are included in the corresponding compiler distributions for each language. Several different versions of the libraries are provided to accommodate different combinations of processor and memory models. The combinations include hardware vs. software floating point, big Endian vs. little Endian memory models and CPU specific versions. Full featured start-up code and libraries include automatic copy of data from ROM to RAM and system call emulations. Source code to the run-time libraries is available so that users can customize routines according to the special needs of their applications.The MULTI Integrated Development EnvironmentMULTI provides a host-based (Windows 9x/NT/2000 PC or UNIX workstation) graphical environment for MCORE target development. Host-target connectivity is provided through a variety of means, depending on the target environment. These environment can be accessed with a variety of interfaces:

Bare Board Access (No RTOS or ROM Monitor) - Most MCORE-based boards offer an On-Chip Debugging (OCD) interface. Such boards include the Motorola evaluation boards. MULTI uses these OCD interfaces through the Agilent Processor Probe via ethernet. MULTI provides a complete software package that enables programmers to debug code without need for operating systems, kernels, or even ROM monitors.ROM Monitors - MULTI supports targets running the Motorola picobug monitor.Instruction Set Simulator - The Simmcore instruction set simulator interpretively executes MCORE programs on the host PC or UNIX workstation without the need for target hardware by simulating the execution of the target processor at the instruction level. Simmcore provides full debug features, host I/O, command window, extended profiling and hardware break-points. Simmcore also simulates target CPU cache for those processors which support it.


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