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GPS Pathfinder Tools SDK

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“ Software development kit for seamless GPS integration . ”
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Built to work with a range of reliable, accurate Trimble® GPS receivers, the GPS Pathfinder® Tools Software Development Kit (SDK) gives developers the best of both worlds: leading edge GPS technology with the flexibility to develop your own custom field software applications. The GPS Pathfinder Tools software can be used to develop applications for standard Microsoft® Windows® platforms, including Microsoft Windows Mobile® software. This flexibility enables the development of powerful GPS-based applications that operate on laptops and Tablet PCs, as well as low cost handheld devices. Drawing on Trimble's leading-edge GPS technology and the company's decades of experience in the GIS data collection industry, the GPS Pathfinder Tools SDK provides a complete GPS development environment.

The GPS Pathfinder Tools SDK is an extensive library of COM components which can be easily integrated within 32-bit development environments such as Microsoft Visual Studio® 2005. The GPS receiver component handles all communications between the GPS receiver and the application, including the configuration of real-time differential correction sources. Coordinate transformation and unit conversion components are also included.

If you want to be sure of getting the best quality data, with GPS Pathfinder Tools SDK in your application you can record GPS information for postprocessing with Trimble's GPS Pathfinder Office software or the Trimble GPS Analyst™ extension for ESRI ArcGIS Desktop software. You can differentially correct your data back in the office, use real-time differential GPS, or both—the choice is yours. For extra precision, collect H-Star™ data with a GPS Pathfinder ProXRT receiver, a GPS Pathfinder ProXH™ receiver, or a GeoXH™ handheld. Alternatively, with a GeoXT™ or Juno™ series handheld, or a ProXT™ receiver, you can achieve optimal GPS code postprocessing accuracy with the new Trimble DeltaPhase™ technology.


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