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Petrochemical PyrometersQuasar : Flare Monitor Quasar 2 M8100-EXP


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The E2T Quasar 2 instruments provide continuous monitoring and detection of pilot flame and flared gases from flares. Two models are available: Quasar 2 M8100-EXP and Quasar 2 M8100-EXP Advanced. The base system provides basic flare pilot monitoring capabilities. The advanced system includes an intensity mA output, which allows the programming of multiple setpoints to indicate pilot flame detection and flaring status signals from the same unit.

The setpoint feature of the advanced unit can also be used for staged flares and will provide feedback on the staged flare status. Additional add-on features are available for a configurable product to meet a wide range of client flare types, monitoring requirements and budget.

A high-resolution optical system and selection of various spot sizes enables the Quasar 2 to be positioned as far as 1/4 mile (400 m) from the stack being monitored. Alignment on the target is accomplished through the targeting port and signal intensity LED bar displays amplitude in combination with a stable M-4 heavy duty swivel mount.

Custom electronics adapt to target movement, varying luminosity, and most climate conditions. The alarm delay circuit can be adjusted for a specific location or application, eliminating false alarms from temporary loss of signal due to intermittent flames, adverse weather, and wind.

Safe flare operation and environmental protection require reliable and accurate flare pilot monitoring. Generally, flare pilots are monitored with thermocouples that often fail due to thermal shock caused by extreme heat and vibrations during flaring events.

The requirement for pilot monitoring beyond the normal life of pilot thermocouples has driven the market need for alternative methods, which requires installation of a redundant method of pilot monitoring to back up the standard pilot thermocouples.


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Temperature sensors Thermal measurement Temperature regulation Thermal infrared cameras Thermometers Temperature standard Climate chambers Thermostats


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