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Thermal infrared cameras : notre large gamme de produits pour les professionnels.

Thermal infrared cameras
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  • 14/01/2025 -

    Demande de devis sur Caméras thermiques

  • 24/12/2024 -

    hello. can i get datasheet for ATTO640D? lynred company support told me to contact you fur manual for it/

  • 22/11/2024 -

    Dear Ms/Mr, I would like to know the price of the Viento-10 640x512 10µm LWIR thermal camera. We are planning to purchase 1 unit. Best Regards, Onur

  • 20/11/2024 -

    Demande de devis sur des : Caméras thermiques. .

  • 14/11/2024 -

    Demande de devis pour Caméras thermiques

  • 03/10/2024 -

    We are looking for a SWIR camera, covering the 2.0 - 2.5 um range, a pixel number in the 50k - 100k range and a low noise floor.

  • 06/09/2024 -

    Demande de devis: Caméras Thermiques de Sécurité

  • 06/09/2024 -

    Demande de devis:Caméras Thermiques de Sécurité:

  • 14/08/2024 -

    Dears, I hope you are doing well. My name is Žan Fer?ak and I am writing you from company Guardiaris d.o.o. We are interested in purchasing your product below: https://www.industry-plaza.com/high-definition-uncooled-lwir-thermal-ca-p394750235.html Can I please kindly ask you to provide us quotation for 1 pc with stated delivery date? In case of additional information required, please do not&hellip; <a href="#">[+]</a><span class="displayNone">Dears, I hope you are doing well. My name is Žan Fer?ak and I am writing you from company Guardiaris d.o.o. We are interested in purchasing your product below: https://www.industry-plaza.com/high-definition-uncooled-lwir-thermal-ca-p394750235.html Can I please kindly ask you to provide us quotation for 1 pc with stated delivery date? In case of additional information required, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you! Best regards, </span>

  • 05/08/2024 -

    looking for a Thermal video solution to an embedded system that requires a MIPI CSI input (as standard raspberry pi 15 pin connector via FFC). Does this have a ready to plug-and-play MIPI connection? What do the prices start at for a model of this capability?

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