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Packaged beverage analyzer : PBA 5001 Soft Drink


“ - Determine %Diet, °Brix and CO2 concentration with a single system in a single measuring cycle - Analyze your entire soft drink portfolio, including regular, mid-calorie, and diet soft drinks, energy drinks, and carbonated water - Reduce reference analysis for diet products to an absolute minimum, to free up lab capacities - Safeguard final product quality and do away with out-of-spec production - Parallel analysis of all parameters in only three to six minutes - more than 6x faster than conventional methods - Automatic pressurized filling directly from glass bottles, PET bottles, and cans : zero operator influence - Save up to seven minutes per sample for degassing and filtration - Automatic CO2 correction of all measurement results - Software-guided adjustment procedure lets anyone manage quality control of diet products - PBA 5001 determines the three most important soft drink parameters : °Brix, CO2 concentration and density - For determination of %Diet, the system is simply configured with a different master instrument - To perfect your analysis, upgrade your basic system with modular extensions for measurement of dissolved O2 and pH - Increase system efficiency and confidence in your final product quality with every module added - Unique selective CO2 measuring method delivers supreme repeatability of 0.005 vol - Determine the true amount of CO2 - No influence by other dissolved gases such as air or nitrogen - Automatic filling error detection for the density and CO2 measuring cell leaves no chance for errors - Simultaneous operation of all connected measuring modules through a single user interface - Built-in wizards guide operators through measuring and adjustments steps - Wide range of preconfigured output quantities - Adaptable user interface for maximum operator convenience - Centralized data management via AP Connect lab execution software ”
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Get results for °Brix and CO2 content in three minutes and for %Diet in six minutes. This is up to 6X faster than conventional methods. The Packaged Beverage Analyzers combine up to four instruments to determine all quality parameters for regular, mid-calorie, and diet soft drinks as well as (diet) energy drinks and carbonated bottled water in one go. There's zero prior preparation or intermittent cleaning, which saves you up to two hours a day. This fast quality control for soft drinks helps you optimize your blending process, ensures ideal carbonation levels, and guarantees confidence in the final bottled product. 

Here you have a single system, configured according to your individual needs, controlling all relevant parameters for soft drink quality. Simply put the final package in the filling device, and the sample is filled automatically under pressure - no chance for contamination or operator influence. The system is operated via a single intuitive user interface, and all data is stored safely, either on the instrument or in a single digital space via AP Connect, our lab execution software. 

PBA 5001 Soft Drink Standard 
  • Simultaneous determination of °Brix and CO2 content
  • Results are more than 6x quicker than with conventional methods
  • Modular setup : 10+ industry-specific parameters
  • Zero influence from dissolved CO2 on °Brix results
  • Analysis of the finished package : zero operator influence
PBA Soft Drink Diet 
  • For regular and diet drinks, energy drinks, and carbonated water
  • Guided diet adjustments let anyone manage QC of diet prdoucts
  • Diet reference analysis reduced by 75% 
  • 100% confidence that the sample is correctly filled
  • Centralized data storage and automatic inline sensor adjustment

Density : 0 g/cm3 to 3 g/cm3 Temperature : 20 °C Pressure : up to 10 bar absolute pressure Concentration sugar actual : 0° Brix to 15° Brix O2 concentration : 0 ppm to 4 ppm pH value : pH 0 to pH 14 CO2 concentration : 0.005 vol Minimum amount of sample per measurement : 150 mL Typical measuring time per sample : 3 minutes Diet concentration : 0 to 200%
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Soft drinks Diet drinks Energy drinks Drinks


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See also

Gas analysis Chemical analysis Air analysis Water analysis Soil analysis Combustion analyzers Composition of liquids and density Composition of solids


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