“ A gas sorption analyzer that's absolutely accurate - Get highly accurate physisorption measurements from relative pressures below 10-7 for nitrogen - Leverage precise manifold temperature control between 35°C and 50°C - Rely on TruZone active coolant level control for accurate data - even over lengthy analyses - Achieve superior high vacuum performance (38% better than previous generation instruments) with precision-machined manifolds and high-quality pneumatic valves Independent stations ensure you're absolutely agile - Analyze up to three different samples with three different analysis gases at three different temperatures simultaneously with independent analysis stations and patented temperature control accessories - Perform the most challenging physisorption measurements with the 90-hour Dewar - Maximize your throughput with six integrated degassing stations - Quickly swap to the 1100 °C furnace for advanced temperature programmed analyses, pulse stations, or chemisorption isotherms Intuitive software makes every analysis absolutely accessible - Enjoy an updated and streamlined Kaomi software, which makes the whole measurement process easier than ever before - Optimize measurement definition to suit your needs with DoseWizard's new standard and advanced modes - Keep downtime to a minimum with PowderProtect, which prevents accidental loss of powder in the instrument Customization options keep you absolutely adaptable - With a 3 instruments and modular upgrades, the Autosorb adapts to the exact analysis requirements of your porous solids and catalysts - As your research changes, the instrument's physisorption and chemisorption features can be field upgraded to fit new materials and applications - Go beyond standards measurements with enhanced chemical resistance, a built-in vapor source, thermal conductivity detector, or even a fully integrated mass spectrometer Compliance and quality are absolutely assured - Comply with 20+ ASTM, DIN, and ISO standards for catalyst characterization and the evaluation of porous solids - Get peace of mind with our 3-year warranty so you can avoid unforeseen costs ”
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