“ Solid surface charge analysis made easy The SurPASS 3 series allows for direct analysis of the zeta potential at the solid/liquid interface by means of streaming potential and streaming current measurement. This gives access to the full range of zeta potential of technical materials down to a few millivolts at unprecedented reliability and reproducibility. Gain instant access to information on surface charge without the need for sophisticated evaluation or expert knowledge. Measuring solutions from tiny particles to large wafers The wide range of SurPASS 3 measuring cells covers it all: Elaborate measuring cells accommodate samples of any geometry ranging from powders and fibers to planar solids. Sample-specific measuring cells for contact lenses, hollow fiber membranes, flexible tubings, syringes, and vials open up surface charge analysis on samples with complex geometries. The “plug in and start” functionality allows for a quick exchange of measuring cells. The software automatically recognizes the measuring cells and displays the zeta potential. Fully automated measurements in less than two minutes The intuitive SurPASS 3 software guides you through the measurement and displays all key parameters in real-time. The SurPASS 3 series provides zeta potential results in less than two minutes for maximized sample throughput. SurPASS 3 allows you to study pH dependences of zeta potential fully automatically and reveals the isoelectric point for a deep understanding of your sample’s chemistry. Liquid-on-solid surface adsorption kinetics can also be followed in real-time on model surfaces and on your actual sample. Modular setup tailored to your needs The SurPASS 3 series is just as versatile as your applications. Dedicated solutions are available for membrane applications, biomaterials, cosmetics, detergents, and semiconductors. Whether you are working on porous materials, such as membranes, or non-porous films and plates, particles >25 µm, granular material, fibers, or materials which swell strongly or are conductive: there are no restrictions. The modular setup of the instrument and measuring cells allows you to easily extend your zeta potential analysis to cover tomorrow’s needs. ”
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