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Visual Display Software: VDiS

Industry software

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Astro-Med announces a powerful new PC-based strip chart display and analysis software package. Developed for telemetry facilities and other applications requiring real-time data viewing, the Everest VDiS (Visual Display Software) is a powerful tool that transforms the PC into a virtual strip chart recorder.

Ideal for Telemetry and other real-time applications

The open protocol of the Everest VDiS software allows it to accept digital data from virtually any telemetry system. The host control protocol allows telemetry systems to control many Everest VDiS functions, including display configurations, scroll speeds, alarm levels, etc.

Display data in many different formats

Based on the software from Astro-Med's flagship Everest Telemetry Recorder-Workstation, the Everest VDiS software features a number of powerful real-time display capabilities. Data can be monitored in real-time and simultaneously displayed in strip chart, numeric datalogging and x-y plot formats. Moving pen tips driven by the signal data mark the real-time data points. Alarm limits can be set to allow waveforms to change color when predefined limits are exceeded. IRIG time code is displayed and grids can be synchronized with time, allowing data to be interpreted in military time.

Each channel can be displayed separately or multiple channels can be displayed on a single grid for easy comparison. Data for each channel can be scaled and displayed in engineering units, independent of other channels. Bitmap templates can be displayed on the screen to allow a user to quickly identify any channel's parameters. Data can be scrolled in traditional strip chart format at speeds up to 200 mm/sec.

Customize the Interface for your application

The Everest VDiS software offers a customizable user interface, making it easier than ever for a user to customize the system for a particular application. An unlimited number of setups can be saved to memory, saving time and resources during system setup. Everest VDiS Software is designed to operate on computers running Windows 98, Windows XP and Windows 2000.

Look-back allows you view of real-time and previously viewed data at the same time

The Look-back feature of the VDiS software allows you to review previously viewed data while continuing to scroll real-time data. Multiple review windows let you see all the data that you want - simultaneously!

Single user and site licenses

Whether you need one copy, or need several copies installed at your facility, single user and site licenses are available.


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See also

Organizer Management Software Other software Financial/ accounting software Storage and warehousing software Distribution software Traceability software Storage software


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