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Industrial software dedicated to production and manufacturing flows

Industry software

“ 1Point2 has been working with companies from various sectors on projects like new sites establishment or production organization optimization, and our team is therefore familiar with customary issues encountered in this kind of studies. Thus, in the case of a planned investment, the physical and operational aspects are inextricably linked - simulation will determine whether the investment is likely to fulfill its goal or not and will indicate which peripheral changes should be implemented. Or in the case of a production line, dynamic simulation will help detect excessive throughput, complex handling choices, inappropriate batch sizes, overcapacity. ”
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Simulation helps you better understand industrial flows (material, workforce, equipment, etc.). You can model your own workshop or factory combining various management parameters to create different situations. Then, a new organization can be put in place by analyzing results and conducting finely tuned experiments. Simulation brings to light a comprehensive and dynamic balance of the flows within your workshop, factory or logistic chain.

Simulation takes into account the dynamic behavior of a factory – a piece waiting for another, failures, shared resources, random phenomena, etc.

With more than 20 years of experience in various fields and the simulation software ExtendSim designed to fit all specific issues, 1Point2 managed to bridge the gap between simulation and the industrial world.

1Point2 offers:

  • Industrial studies based on dynamic simulation
    - Analysis of a project cost-effectiveness
    - Flows tightness, stocks and throughput dimensioning
    - Investment dimensioning, line balancing
    - Industrial impact of human resources (timetables, flexibility, post, etc.)
    - Logistics, automated systems study (conveyors, etc.)
    - Setting online, assistance for a new establishment
  • Assistance in building your own models
    - Feasibility studies
    - Helpt at the key stages of a simulation study
    - Technical support and specific programming
    - Experimental design and results analysis
  • Trainings in simulation, ExtendSim and simulation methodology.


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See also

Organizer Management Software Other software Financial/ accounting software Storage and warehousing software Distribution software Traceability software Storage software


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