The remote diagnostics function diagnoses the robot by remote operation connecting the robot controller and remote PC by telephone line. In remote diagnostics function, diagnostic operation is done from a remote place accessing the robot controller by public line.
The purpose of this function is that diagnostician in remote location can recognize the robot status in order to correct the problem rapidly when any problems occurs in the robot system. All data displayed in Teach pendant can be seen in remote place and system files and programs can be get to PC in remote place by this function.
This function consists of the following two functions.
Reference data by Web browser
Using Web browser, refer the diagnostic data and back up the programs and system files. On remote PC, only browser soft is needed.
Diagnosis by Teach Pendant Operation
The diagnostics can be done by teach pendant operation using Teach Pendant Emulation software on remote PC. Because the operation on remote PC is same as the operation on Teach Pendant, it is very easy to operate. For safety, the operation which can move the robot and the execution of the program, and IO operation can not be done.
See also