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Flour water absorption and dough mixing analyzer : FarinoGraph


“ Standards : connecting the world of flour The Brabender FarinoGraph, standards-approved for the first time more than 60 years ago, covers all of the main national and international standards for flour, water absorption, and dough rheology. This ensure certainty on grain, flour, and dough quality along the entire value chain as well as communication in the worldwide recognized language for flour analysis : Brabender/FarinoGraph Units (BU/FU). And it makes the FarinoGraph a crucial link between the milling and bakery industries. - Standards compliance for trusted product quality - FarinoGraph/Brabender Units connect business partners MetaBridge : your flour quality control companion MetaBridge, the instrument's operating software, is your gateway to streamlined standards implementation and real-time flour quality control. Our browser-based software takes your measurements and data management to the next level, ensuring precision and compliance. - Access measurements from any device, even on the go - Connect multiple instruments for seamless data flow - Share data with colleagues or systems like LIMS and ERP Flour analysis flexibility : mixer attachments, modules Achieve next-level flour analysis flexibility with our range of mixer attachments and cutting-edge modules. Choose the right mixer depending on your business area : from the small 10 g mixer as a breeder up to the standard S300 mixer as a miller/baker. Realistically measure the viscosity of sponge masses during the entire whipping process, or grain hardness or malt. Whether you're working in industry, in research and development, or breeding, we've got you covered. - A mixer for every sample size - Specialized attachments for diverse applications - Automated precision water titration with AquaInject module 3-phase-system : perfect your flour and dough analysis The renowned Brabender 3-phase-system is a multidevice system that simulates the entire baking process. The Brabender FarinoGraph delivers insights into water absorption and kneading behavior. The ExtensoGraph examines stretching and processing properties, ensuring your dough meets the highest standards. And the Amylograph-E is the obvious choice for analysis of gelatinization and enzyme activity. - Three instruments for data-driven decisions to fine-tune your flour - Meet all major national and international standards - The most complete end-to-end solution for flour and dough Cracking the flour code : farinogram's crucial insights The FarinoGraph shows the quality characteristics of flour. It covers the following parameters : Water Absorption (WA) : the more water flour can absorb, the higher the dough yield. It's critical for the intended use of the flour. Dough Stability (S) : the longer the stability of the dough, the higher ther fermentation and kneading tolerance. FarinoGraph Quality Number (FQN) : it can be used to describe the characteristics of flour in just one figure. Dough Development Time (DDT) : describes the time from the start of water addition until the maximum consistency is reached. Degree of Softening (DS) : Calculated12 minutes after the dough hasreached the maximum consistency. ”
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The Brabender FarinoGraph determines the water absorption of flour and rheological properties of dough. It addresses key national and international standards like ICC, AACCI, and ISO. It ensures confidence in grain, flour, and dough quality across the entire value chain with a universally recognized language : Brabender/FarinoGraph Units (BU/FU). 
MetaBridge software sets the benchmark in the industry and ensures intuitive instrument operation, while harnessing the power of unique features like prediction and correlation curves. Access to measurements from any device at any time, like mobile devices or a laptop, facilitates effortless data sharing with colleagues and third-party systems. 
  • Compliant : cover flour and dough standards (ICC, AACCI, ISO)
  • Efficient : your date. Anywhere at any time. From any device
  • Versatile : seven attachments for the right sample type and size
  • Flexible : measure any kind of flour - also gluten-free doughs
  • Precise and safe : automate water dosing for zero glass hassle

Speed : 0 min-1 to 200 min-1 Torque : 28 Nm Main connections : 230 V (184…264 V) +N+PE / 50/60 Hz (45…66 Hz) / 4.3 A; 1 kW 115 V (88…126 V) +PE / 50/60 Hz (45…66 Hz) / 8.7 A; 1 kW Dimensions (W x H x D) : 430 mm x 630 mm x 740 mm Weight : Without measuring mixer: 56 kg With measuring mixer S 300: 74 kg Interfaces : 4x USB, 1x HDMI, 2x LAN
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Flour Cereals Dough


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See also

Gas analysis Chemical analysis Air analysis Water analysis Soil analysis Combustion analyzers Composition of liquids and density Composition of solids


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