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Portable Gas Detectors: Microtector II G460

Gas flowmeters

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This light and robust gas detector is the development of the proven Microtector II G450. The key features are retained – smart, interchangeable sensor technology, low cost of ownership - but extra functionality is now added.

The Microtector II G460 measures up to 7 gases simultaneously in ambient air for increased workplace safety. The sensor slots can be equipped individually. Different detection principles are available for optimal measuring results.

Measurable gases
The most common sensors detect O2, H2S, CO, CO2 and combustible gases. Additional sensors are available for NH3, HCl, PH3, HCN, NO, NO2, SO2 and a variety of other gases.

CO2 – reliable infrared measurement
For increasing the user’s safety, the Microtector II G460 detects carbon dioxide by means of a selective infrared sensor (NDIR). This sensor provides long-term stable detection values. Unlike electrochemical sensors, IR technology is not subject to cross sensitivity from toxic hydrogen sulphide.

The Microtector II G460 is the smallest detector world-wide which can be equipped with both an infrared sensor and a PID.

Monitoring for toxic volatile organic compounds (VOC)
Photoionization detector (PID) equipped instruments are increasingly viewed as the best choice for measurement of VOCs at exposure limit concentrations. Familiar substances containing VOCs include solvents, paint thinner and nail polish remover, as well as the vapors associated with fuels such as gasoline, diesel, heating oil, kerosene and jet fuel. The category also includes many specific toxic substances such as benzene, butadiene, hexane, toluene, xylene, and many others. Most VOC vapors are flammable at surprisingly low concentrations. For most VOCs, however, the toxic exposure limit is exceeded long before readings reach a concentration high enough to trigger a combustible range alarm.


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See also

Flow sensors Flowmeters (gas) Liquid flowmeters Coriolis flow meter Thermal flow meter Vortex effect flow meter  Floater fitted flow meter  Pitot tube flow meter 


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