The G300 is specially designed for accurate detection of leakages. If high concentrations arise in the room during detection the G300 warns with a bar graph.
Clear and simple display and warning
Changing gas concentrations are indicated audibly and visually. The frequency of the audible warning changes with approximation and removal. Leakages will be reliably pinpointed even in large piping systems.
Simple control
Just one key stroke is necessary to operate the G300. With the rechargeable battery-pack the G300 II can operate more than 8 hours.
Wide Detection range
The G300 reacts to concentrations as small as 5 ppm and measures up to 10,000 ppm (= 1 % Vol.). The G300 provides several audible and visual detection range indicators. Simply push a button to switch from one range to the other. This allows a successful detection even in gas contaminated areas.
Sniffing around corners
The gooseneck – a flexible conduit – can be pushed into close slots and gaps. The flexibility allows to find gas leakages even beyond corners. The G300 III is a low cost leak detector for combustible gases. The sensor is integrated in the goosneck that is fixed to the detector.
Long lifetime
The G300 operates with the chemosorption principle. It is characterized by a short warm-up time and a long lifetime. The zero point adjustment is performed automatically after key stroke.
See also