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Manual coiler PKCO-PKDE

Benches and accessories

For compact workpieces weighing up to 300 kg The JumboSprint is equipped with a bow-shaped operator handle which extends all the way around the unit. This allows the user to optimally position it on...

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Single winding reel-unwinding
The PKCO allows you to easily make coils out of cable drums.
The removable handle allows quick work.
It can also be used as a coil dispenser.
3 tray diameters: 400 mm, 600 mm, 800 mm.
Inner diameter adjustable: by increasing the distance between the 6 vertical pins.
The PKCO exists in 2 versions:
- The tabletop model is equiped with anti-slip pads.
- The stand-alone model can be adjusted upon 3 heights. The foot weight (17 kg) and its dimensions (600 x 600 mm ) allow a great stability. 
- Measuring device M3-B (cables Ø maxi 22 mm)
- Measuring device M35-B (câbles Ø maxi 35 mm)
- Cable crimping pliers (cables Ø maxi 20 mm) attached by a chain
For more information upon measuring devices, please see the "Measure" section.
As a matter of principle, the measuring of a long product canot be made with a perfect accuracy. It is the user’s responsibility to perform their own tests to identify the percentage of accuracy for the different products to be measured.
Double winder-unwinder
The first tray can be used to wind off a coil.
The second tray, which is equipped with a removable crank, can be used to create another coil.
Measuring device and cable-cutting plier (max 20 mm Ø cables) are included.
Choice of measuring device:
- M3-B measuring device (for a maximum diameter of 22 mm)
- M35-B measuring device (for a maximum diameter of 35 mm)
3 tray diameters: 400 mm, 600 mm, 800 mm.
Inner diameter adjustable: by increasing the distance between the 6 vertical pins.
2 versions:
- Tabletop model fitted with anti-slip pads
- Stand alone model, height: 600 mm
As a matter of principle, the measuring of a long product canot be made with a perfect accuracy. It is the user’s responsibility to perform their own tests to identify the percentage of accuracy for the different products to be measure.


Demande de devis: Enrouleurs manuels


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See also

Compressor supplies Hose reels Balancing machines Generator sets Grinders, Accessories Power drills Rotary hammer drills Grinders


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