The CTEX-I is a digital vacuum chamber that allows to test by immersion and vacuum, the tightness of industrial packaging sealed or sealed containing air, such as blisters, bags, doypack, yogurt, tray and even mechanical assemblies.
It is composed of a sealed electro-pneumatic system that, powered by compressed air, creates a pressure difference between the inside and outside of your sample. ACRN has standard cover boxes (see prices and options) but also makes custom-made boxes according to the customer's needs.
Your product is immersed in water during this test thanks to a perforated grid attached to the lid, and the presence of a leak is detected with the appearance of bubbles in the water during the depression and is thus precisely located thanks to the design of the transparent Plexiglas box.
This electronic version allows to set up 8 different programs for specific tests in terms of vacuum and time and to cycle between these programs.