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Intel® 14th/ 13th/ 12th-Gen Core™ in-vehicle controller | Nuvo-9200VTC

Hardened PCs and tablets

“ ‧ Supports Intel® 14th/ 13th/ 12th-Gen Core™ 24C/ 32T 35W/ 65W CPU ‧ 4x or 8x 802.3at PoE+ ports via M12 or RJ45 connectors ‧ 1x USB 3.2 Gen2x2 type-C and 8x USB 3.2/ 2.0 type-A ports ‧ On-board isolated CAN bus for in-vehicle communication ‧ 4-CH isolated DI and 4-CH isolated DO ‧ M.2 Gen4 x4 NVMe SSD slot ‧ 2x hot-swappable SATA HDD trays, supporting RAID 0/ 1 ‧ 8V to 48V wide-range DC input with built-in ignition power control ‧ Patented Cassette for PCIe add-on card accommodation ‧ E-Mark/ EN 45545 certified and EN 50155 EMC compliant ”
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Nuvo-9200VTC offers an assortment of peripherals, connections, and expansion flexibility. It has 2.5Gb and 1Gb Ethernet ports, and four or eight 802.3at PoE+ ports to supply 25W of power to connected devices such as IP cameras. The system also has x-coded M12 connectors and screw-lock mechanisms on I/Os like Ethernet, USB 3.2 Gen1 and USB 3.2 Gen2 to guarantee extreme rugged connectivity in shock/vibration environments. Internal expansion wise, there are two M.2 and three mini-PCIe sockets to install 5G/4G, WiFi, GPS, and CAN module for wireless communication.

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See also

Industrial IT CAD-Software Design-Software Process control software Maintenance software Production software Industrial PCs Computer cards and Network components


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