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Industrial-grade GPU Computing Edge AI Platform | Nuvo-8108GC series

Hardened PCs and tablets

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Nuvo-8108GC is powered by Intel® The system incorporates an internal 2.5" HDD/ SSD tray and one hot-swappable 2.5" HDD/ SSD tray for easy replacement. There is also an M.2 2280 NVMe socket for the fast read/write performance. Its front-accessible GbE and USB 3.1 Gen1/ Gen2 ports feature screw-lock mechanisms for securing cable connections. In addition to the x16 PCIe slot (8-lanes) for GPU installation, Nuvo-8108GC has other two x8 PCIe slots (4-lanes) and one x16 PCIe slot (8-lanes) for expansion cards to extend function sets like data collection, analytics and communication.

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Supports an NVIDIA® RTX 30 Series graphic card Supports Intel® Xeon® E or 9th/ 8th-Gen Core™ i7/ i5 LGA1151 CPU Up to 128GB ECC/ non-ECC DDR4 2133 (4x SODIMM) 2x PCIe x16 slot@Gen3, 8-lanes, 2x PCIe x8 slots@Gen3, 4-lanes 1x M.2 M key, 1x M.2 B key and 2x full-size mini-PCIe sockets 8 to 48V wide-range DC input with built-in ignition power control Patented thermal design for -25°C to 60°C rugged operation* Patented damping brackets* to withstand 3 Grms vibration
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See also

Industrial IT CAD-Software Design-Software Process control software Maintenance software Production software Industrial PCs Computer cards and Network components


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