“ ‧ Supports single NVIDIA® 350W GPU with Gen4 x16 single and dedicated GPU-locking bracket ‧ Intel® 14th/ 13th/ 12th-Gen Core™ 35W/ 65W LGA1700 CPU ‧ Up to 64GB ECC/ non-ECC DDR5 4800 with Intel R680E chipset (2x SODIMM) ‧ Three x8 PCIe slots with Gen3 x4 signal for add-on cards ‧ 6x USB 3.2, 2x 2.5GbE, 1x GbE, and 1x optional 10GbE ‧ Two front-accessible storage options: 1x 2.5" SATA tray and 1x optional NVMe tray ‧ 8V to 48V wide-range DC input with ignition power control ‧ Rugged, -25°C to 60°C operation ”
Powered by an Intel® 14th /13th/ 12th-Gen CPU with up to 24 cores and 32 threads, Nuvo-10108GC offers up to twice the performance compared to previous Intel® 10th or 11th-Gen platforms. In addition, Nuvo-10108GC supports ECC memory to deliver mission-critical computation, eg, automated driving in urban traffic. It inherits a proven thermal dissipation design for the CPU and GPU to guarantee rugged, -25°C to 60°C wide-temperature operation. To withstand continuous shaking and juddering conditions in on-highway and off-highway applications, Nuvo-10108GC features an innovative GPU locking bracket to fasten the GPU with the chassis, and Neousys' patented damping bracket to absorb high-frequency vibration.
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