All products of EMKA Beschlagteile GmbH & Co. KG
Offers of EMKA Beschlagteile GmbH & Co. KG - Offers from 1 to 50 on 50
180° hinge
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Safety quarter turn with mask
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
180° hinge
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Stainless steel quarter turn with cylinder
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Hinge stainless steel
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Screw-on hinge stainless steel
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Quarter turn
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Wing knob quarter turn with round cylinder
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Bow-type handles
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Chest handle
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Bow-type handle
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Quarter turn stainless steel
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Stainless steel safety quarter turn with mask
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Screw-on hinge stainless steel
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
180° 3D-screw-on hinge
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
180° screw-on hinge
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
180° screw-on hinge
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Pin hinge
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
180° screw-on hinge stainless steel adjustable
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
80° Counterbalancing spring-loaded hinge
the ounterbalancing spring-loaded hinge from EMKA is an efficient, robust and flexible hinge especially […]
120° hinge
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
180° screw-on hinge
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
90° concealed hinge
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
180° and 270° screw-on hinge
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Hinge for aluminium profiles
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
120° hinge with quick fastening
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Quarter turn stainless steel for hygienic areas
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Swinghandle with push button 1185
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
120° hinge
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Swinghandle with combination lock for universal escutcheon
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
180° hinge
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
180° hinge
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Compression latch
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Compression latch with adjustable cam
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Compression latch with visual open indicator
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Quarter turn for padlock
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Stainless steel compression latch for hygienic areas
In addition to the well-established quarter turn for hygienic areas 1000-U838, EMKA has now included the […]
Safety quarter turn
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Compression latch ‘Double Red’
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Swinghandle for padlock
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Concealed hinge stainless steel
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Pull Handle
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
180° concealed hinge
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Quarter turn for quick mounting
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Compression latch
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Compression latch
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]
Cylinder quarter turn
EMKA offers a comprehensive product range of ingenious locking technology from a single source. The […]