“ Sets a standard for ARINC 429 data bus test equipment in the field or shop ”
The DATATRAC 400 clearly establishes the standard for data bus equipment. Never have so many powerful tools and features been assembled for supporting digital avionics. Data may be read from up to four buses and displayed in every conceivable format, including graphic plots. Using the DT400's many diagnostic functions adopted from the most sophisticated logic analyzer systems, it is now much easier to isolate troublesome intermittents. A suspect LRU can be monitored for hours with a breakpoint condition programmed to capture and display fault information. BITE mode provides a very effective tool for interrogating maintenance data from CFDS (ABD0048) and CMC capable avionics. Equipment menus may be read, allowing the user to select and view present fault data, and recall flight data or generate a self test. The DT400 records fault messages for later viewing or downloading. Optional PCMGR software for PC use is available which allows you the ability to redefine label definitions and the opportunity to enter and save complex setups — saves test time.
Please send me the quote for Aeroflex DT400H. If you have T1200B, please do the same as well.
See also