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Rapid NMR Fat Analyzer : ORACLE™


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The first ever rapid fat analyzer with no method development .

ORACLE is the first ever rapid fat analyzer that requires absolutely no method development for fat only analysis. At the touch of a button, ORACLE can analyze fat in any food sample with reference chemistry accuracy, without any prior knowledge of the sample matrix or composition.

Simply press the run arrow and ORACLE delivers an exceptionally accurate and precise fat result in 30 seconds. Alternatively, ORACLE can be paired with the SMART 6 for combined rapid fat and moisture/solids analysis in less than 5 minutes.

ORACLE is the first ever rapid fat analyzer that requires absolutely no method development. ORACLE provides reference chemistry accuracy for any food sample without any prior knowledge of the sample matrix and composition. Simply press the run arrow and in 30 seconds the ORACLE delivers a fat result. It’s really that simple.

ORACLE can also be paired with an automated robot for unattended analysis of 100 samples per run.

Pair the SMART 6 Moisture & Solids Analyzer with the ORACLE for rapid moisture/solids and fat in one system. The SMART 6 utilizes dual-frequency energy to rapidly analyze moisture/solids in any product, wet or dry, in approximately 3 minutes. The system comes pre-programmed with a library of optimized drying methods for pairing with the ORACLE.


Demande de devispour un analyseur rapide de matière grasse par RMN


Demande de devis pour analyseur rapide de matière grasse par RMN


Demande de devis sur un analyseur rapide de matière grasse par RMN



Check out all the products from category analyzers

See also

Gas analysis Chemical analysis Air analysis Water analysis Soil analysis Combustion analyzers Composition of liquids and density Composition of solids


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