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Sulfur recovery unit (SRU) monitoring

Gas flowmeters

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Optimal operation of Sulfur Recovery Unit (SRU), Sulfur Burner, and Thermal Oxidizer furnaces require accurate process Gas (Flame) measurement and accurate Refractory measurement for operational safety (high temperature alarms).

Of particular importance is control of the furnace process temperatures to prevent damage to the furnace refractory and assurance that reaction or destruction temperatures are reached and maintained.

Thermocouple measurement of acid processes either fail prematurely or are protected by multiple thermowells and sweep air systems that make thermal transmission to the actual thermocouple inaccurate or slow and only provides a refractory measurement not useful for process control.

Typical Single Channel Infrared Pyrometers do not compensate for changing flame transparencies and only provide one wavelength measurement. Clients must settle for either a Gas (Flame) or Refractory measurement or make multiple installations requiring multiple ports and hardware installations.

Changing flame transparency due to changing feeds is a common issue that affects typical infrared pyrometer Gas (Flame) and Refractory measurements. Combustion changes in the processes changes the Gas (Flame) transparency and affects the Gas and Refractory IR measurements.

A clean burning flame becomes transparent to the IR Gas measurements. The transparency of the gases will cause the Gas IR Measurement to see the cooler refractory and include this into the gas measurement, which results in a lower than actual temperature measurement.

The opposite happens for a dirty burning flame that will limit the refractory measurement from seeing through the dirty flame and components of the flame will influence to the refractory measurement, resulting in a higher than actual refractory measurement.

Since Flame Transparency varies with the process feeds to the furnaces, the transparency effect on the IR measurements is a variable factor used to correct measurements in these applications.


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See also

Flow sensors Flowmeters (gas) Liquid flowmeters Coriolis flow meter Thermal flow meter Vortex effect flow meter  Floater fitted flow meter  Pitot tube flow meter 


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