Semi-rigid polyamide tubes are designed primarily for the circulation of compressed air.
Manufactured from polyamide 12 PHL MB-LONGLIFE or M-Tec in accordance with DIN 73 378 - NFE 49100, these polyamide tubes are also suitable for use with lubricants, fuels, oil and vacuum.
The tubes are available in various standard colours: neutral, blue, yellow, black, red and green. The maximum working pressure is variable depending on the temperature, which can vary between -40°C and +80°C.
Semi-rigid polyamide tubes are distinguished by a tolerance on the external diameter of + or - 0.07 mm up to diameter 10. The hardness of our pipes is 62 shore D / ISO 868.
You will find a data sheet for this product attached.
Max. working pressure: see table in our data sheetHardness: 62 shore D / ISO 868Outer diameter tolerance: +/- 0. 07 mm up to diameter 10Media: compressed air, vacuum, hydraulics, fuels, lubricantsStandard DIN 73 378 - NFE 4910Working temperature: between -40°C and +80°CLengths: 25 m; 100 m; 500 mColour: black; green; yellow; blue; red; neutral Material: polyamide 12 PHL MB-LONGLIFE or M-TecDiameter: between 3 mm and 18 mm