The WinCrimp software enables quick and accurate collection of pull test and crimp force data and will significantly add to the traceability of your quality assurance data.
The basic software version allows for uploading / downloading of critical parameters. The additional statistical version performs SPC analysis on downloaded results data for printing and graphing. The basic software is included in all machines with integrated crimp force monitoring.
Statistical Analysis :
SPC data is calculated with the statistics version of the software. The statistical data can be printed out for your customer and would include average, min. and max. values, the number good and bad, the standard deviation and the CPK or CMK (where applicable). Depending on your specifications, the printout may also include information such as company and customer's name, job number, test device type and serial number, terminal number and wire size, applicator number and corresponding test information.
The information can be delivered to the customer for their ISO or QS requirements, stored and used internally for device maintenance, or as backup of tests performed.
Numerous graphs and charts can be generated from the statistical outputs. The software creates XY plots, histograms, bar charts and pie charts depending on your company’s needs.
More Accuracy & Memory :
Many companies manually record and enter test data. Manual data entry, however, poses two main challenges. There is room for error and there is room for interpretation. Incorrect numbers may be recorded on the log sheet or sloppy handwriting may be misinterpreted and the wrong data entered into the spreadsheet.
Each device can automatically record the data into its memory. To ensure data integrity, values cannot be changed until the entire job is cleared. The time and date-stamp associated with each test reading also assure the customer that the values were taken at the proper times and they correlate to when the job was actually run.
When the job data is downloaded from the device memory, it can be easily saved in your computer's memory just like a Word or Excel document. Data files can be created depending on product family, customer, work order number or any other way that best suits your needs. Downloaded files contain information on the test device type and serial number as well as information on the terminal, wire and applicator.
Form A Full Crimp Quality Network :
Several crimping machines can be combined with crimp quality control devices such as pull tester and crimp height measuring equipment. All data can be analyzed and controlled via the WinCrimp PC software.
See also