The non copper coated OK AristoRod 89 is a low-alloyed, chromium-nickel-molybdenum (0,4% Cr, 2,2% Ni, 0,55% Mo), solid wire for GMAW of ultra high tensile strength steels requiring tough weld metal for critical applications. Also suitable when high impact strength at lower temperatures is required. The AristoRod wires are suitable for operating at high currents with maintained disturbance free wire feeding giving a stable arc with a low amount of spatter, due to its unique Advanced Surface Characteristics ASC) technology. OK AristoRod 89 is delivered on spools or in the unique ESAB Octagonal Marathon Pac, which is excellent in mechanised weldingapplications. Typical materials is according to ISO 15608:2000 and some brand names from steel suppliers are S890QL, Weldox 900,1100,1300,Domex 960,XABO 890,960,1100, NAXTRA 70, OX-700,800,1002, Optim 900QC, 960QC, 1100QC,T1 - HY80.