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Embedded Software Development Tools for SPARC Native Family

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SPARC Native Development ToolsGreen Hills Software provides a comprehensive set of development tools for SPARC Native-based applications for Solaris™ and SunOS™ Operating Systems:

Optimizing Compilers

Embedded C++
Ada 95
Run-Time Libraries

MULTI® Integrated Development Environment
Source Level Debugger
Project Builder
Language Sensitive Text Editor
Version Control System
Graphical Browser
Performance Profiler*
Code Coverage Analysis
RTOS EventAnalyzer
Run-Time Error Checking
Remote Target Connection

Common Tools for Native and EmbeddedMULTI lets you use the same tools for both embedded and native development. All of the advanced features of MULTI for native development immediately transfer over to your embedded projects, and vice versa. In fact, the very same MULTI program can debug both native and embedded code. MULTI uses a remote target server when communicating with an embedded target.

Early in the development cycle when silicon isn't available yet or there is not enough target hardware for large programming teams, MULTI allows you to prototype portions of your embedded applications in native mode on your host workstation (under Solaris or SunOS). The language front ends of the Green Hills compilers are the same for both native and embedded, guaranteeing absolute language compatibility when you recompile programs developed on your host for your target.

SPARC Native Optimizing CompilersThe Green Hills Optimizing Compilers for SPARC Native all utilize a common code generator with architecture-specific optimizations. Each supported SPARC model has its own particular pipeline and instruction set characteristics. These are accommodated in the code generator to produce code best suited for the target processor. The Green Hills SPARC Native Optimizing Compilers support the following SPARC Native-specific features: Processor Options - One option for each supported SPARC Native model. This setting determines the instructions permitted, as well as the pipeline optimization strategy used.pic (small offset) - Generates System V.4 style Position Independent Code with 16-bit offsets.PIC (large offset) - Generates System V.4 style Position Independent Code with 32-bit offsets.Position Independent Data - Generates position independent data.Assume Double Alignment - By default, 4-byte loads and stores access all 8-byte (e.g. double precision) objects in memory to avoid any errors caused by using an 8-byte load on an address which is a multiple of four, but not a multiple of eight. Assuming 8-byte alignment is proper for some applications and provides more efficient code.Reserve Registers g5, g6, g7 for user - This option will keep the compiler from using the %g5, %g6, or %g7 registers as general purpose, permanent registers.Little endian byte order - Specifies code generation for a little endian system.Run-Time librariesA comprehensive suite of run-time libraries for C, C++, EC++, FORTRAN and Ada 95 libraries are included in the corresponding compiler distributions for each language. Green Hills provides ANSI compliant C and C++ implementations on the SunOS or Solaris Operating Systems.

Shared Library Support
Green Hills' tools are integrated with Sun's native assembler/linker and offer shared library support. Shared libraries have the advantage of reducing program executable size and memory requirements. When building an executable with shared libraries, the linker does not embed the library code in the program executable, but deposits only the required information to access the library module at run-time. Since the shared libraries are composed of position independent code, multiple applications have access to the same libraries. In addition, it is not necessary to relink your application when a new version of the library is available which has the same calling sequences.
The MULTI Integrated Development EnvironmentMULTI provides a direct graphical interface with all Green Hills compilers, and supports multi-language development and debugging. MULTI provides a Solaris or SunOS hostbased graphical environment for SPARC Native target development. MULTI contains all of the tools you need to complete a major programming project:

Source-Level Debugger - Provides a powerful windowing source-level debugger that enables program loading, execution, run control, and monitoring.Project Builder - Provides an intuitive GUI to configure and build complex programming projects.Text Editor - Provides a full-featured windowing text editor that is mouse driven with scroll bars, pull-down menus, and configurable buttons.Version Control System - Provides a seamless integration with the rest of MULTI components making version control of projects efficient and unobtrusive.
Graphical Browser - Provides source code browsing capabilities integrated with the MULTI Editor and Debugger.Performance Profiler - Provides detailed information to enable the developer to identify the code where execution consumes the greatest amount of time as well as how many times a given procedure or block of code was executed.Run-Time Error Checking - Provides useful information on a wide variety of run-time errors.Code Coverage Analysis - Improves product quality by identifying areas of code that have or have not been executed.


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