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Electromagnetic flowmeter for flow measurement or energy metering

Electromagnetic flow meter

“ • Low investment and operating costs • ± .5% Accuracy of Reading • Wide turndown ratio 0.25 to 15.0 fps (0.076 to 4.6 mps) • Non-intrusive, no moving parts to wear out, maintenance, repair costs low and tolerates high flows without damage • The slightly modified bore permits unobstructed flow and minimizes flow disturbances and straight pipe requirements • 7 line sizes (1/2” to 4”) ½”, ¾”, 1”, 1-1/2”, 2”, 3", & 4” • Housing ported with “Thermal Well Supports” for sensors (Energy Management) • Compatible with GPI 09 Electronics Display or FLOMEC QSI I/O Board ”
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Electromagnetic flowmeter from TRIMEC-GPI

GPI Engineers deliver the “trinity” of Better Performance, Higher Quality and Lower Cost.

The QSE Mag dramatically raises performance expectations for monitoring flow measurement and is priced comparably to far lower performing meters currently employed in commercial and industrial applications.  Examples include water/wastewater, cooling tower, turf, landscape, and other water reclamation applications.
The QSE Mag reads flow rate with an accuracy of + 0.5% and provides cumulative total monitoring in applications.  With no moving parts, the QSE Mag permits open unobstructed flow, minimizing flow disturbances and straight pipe requirements in seven line sizes from ½” to 4” pipes. This allows the QSE Mag to be used in piping configurations where there is little space between the meter and an elbow or valve. In addition, the Noryl® flow tube, housing and sleeves can withstand fluid temperatures up to 210°F. The QSE Mag is an externally powered meter that provides a blind open collector pulse output and can be utilized with a FLOMEC® 09 Electronic Display or remote read option. 
Along with the QSE Mag we are offering an optional new input/output interface module that can be used with many telemetry applications. The QSI Interface Module is compatible with the new QSE Mag meter and most GPI flowmeters, as well as many other brands of flowmeters.  The QSI offers basic 4-20mA and pulse outputs, a BTU calculator allowing for temperature inputs, data logger, and Modbus and BACnet protocols through an RS-485 connection.

The QSE Mag is also compatible with the new FLOMEC App, an Android mobile app that uses Bluetooth® wireless technology for complete meter configuration and programming in minutes. The FLOMEC app interface allows for meter operation to be viewed in real-time and provides the ability to receive technology downloads and feature upgrades via Bluetooth (iOS app coming in 2017).

± .5% Accuracy of Reading Wide turndown ratio 0.25 to 15.0 fps (0.076 to 4.6 mps) Non-intrusive, no moving parts to wear out, maintenance, repair costs low and tolerates high flows without damage 7 line sizes (1/2” to 4”) ½”, ¾”, 1”, 1-1/2”, 2”, 3 Housing ported with “Thermal Well Supports” for sensors (Energy Management) Operating Temperature Range: 1/2 Wetted Materials: Electrodes 316L SS ; Seals NBR O-Rings Calibration Report: Standard; N.I.S.T. Available Approvals : NEMA 6P; IP68; CE ; NSF pending.
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Agriculture Irrigation Turf Irrigation Systems HVAC EMS (Energy Management Systems) Energy sub-metering (BTU hot and cold)


Check out all the products from category electromagnetic flow meter

See also

Flow sensors Flowmeters (gas) Gas flowmeters Liquid flowmeters Coriolis flow meter Thermal flow meter Vortex effect flow meter  Floater fitted flow meter 


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