Magtrol's CTS Cogging Test System is a stand-alone test system designed to control and measure Detent Torque, Cogging Torque and Friction Torque. The test system includes a precision geared motor, 5000 pulse encoder, TM Torque Sensor and security clutch to avoid system overload by mishandling when not in use. The geared motor drives the MUT (Motor Under Test) at a low speed of 1 to 10 rpm, while acquiring its cogging torque related to angle position. The torque measurement covers a range up to 200 mN∙m (depending on the selected torque sensor) with an accuracy of ± 0.2 mN∙m (for TM 302 with 200 mN∙m nominal range). The executable software controls the system and displays acquired data. It provides accurate peak-topeak measurement of cogging torque and displays X-Y or polar graphs as well as FFT analysis. The software allows the storage of measured data and provides comparison of performance data by overlaying up to 5 graphs. A cursor can be used to read accurate values from measurement points. Measured parameters can be saved as TXT files. For better accuracy and function control, the software includes a zero offset adjustment routine which checks transducer signal over a complete turn (test sample MUT not connected to the system).
As a stand-alone system, the CTS only requires 100 - 240 VAC power. A USB interface allows direct connection to the PC on which the software is installed. It is mounted on a PT - 25 grooved base plate on which the Magtrol AMF-1 Adjustable Motor Fixture can be fitted.
Cogging testing
Measures Detent Torque
Measures Cogging Torque
Measures Friction Torque