X-tra accuracy for handheld laser scanning The FARO Freestyle3D X is a top-quality high-accuracy handheld scanner for professionals. It quickly and reliably documents rooms, structures and objects in...
“ * Flexible remote multi-service deployments * Lower aggregation CAPEX * Cheaper and faster operations * Faster roll-out of new services * Full feature parity with other ISAM family members - same service from any line, any box * Very High Speed Broadband deployments with smooth migration of existing ADSL customers * High density and small footprint, optimized for remote deployments ”
The Alcatel-Lucent 7356 Intelligent Services Access Manager (ISAM) Fiber-to-the-Building (FTTB) Remote Expansion Module (REM) is a compact 3-slot remote shelf, designed for large-scale FTTN/FTTB deployments. It addresses the need to deliver Very High Speed broadband services from FTTB and FTTN deployments, using VDSL2 to leverage the existing copper plant. The Alcatel-Lucent 7356 ISAM FTTB REM is hosted by an Alcatel-Lucent 7330 ISAM FTTN (12x REMs) or an Alcatel-Lucent 7330 ISAM Remote Aggregator (24x REMs), and essentially serves as a remote line card of the hosting system, significantly reducing the number of nodes. This resulst in a lower aggregation CAPEX, faster and cheaper operations, and shorter Time to Market.
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