When many units are to be connected in the same area, e.g. in a computer centre, racks are used. Several models are available, depending on the application requirements, the number of slots, whether the devices are to be installed in an apparatus cubicle etc. Several Westermo modems are designed for racks.
The racks are designed to carry a redundant power supply. When two power supply units are installed, one can function as a backup, or each one can supply 8 slots with power. A power-fail relay is provided on the RV-01A version which can be used to provide indication in the event of a loss of power to one of the supplies.
Power can be supplied to external units via a 3-position screw block, located on the backplane of the rack. To minimise the risk of several devices being affected in the event of a single malfunction, each Westermo card is protected with its own fuse. Each card is also equipped with indicators for signal status indication to facilitate easy monitoring and troubleshooting.
PS-02 Power supply for rack units, 115/230 V
See also