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Vertical tray oven: inverter, power electronics, DC DC converter, connectors

Vertical Oven

“ The vertical oven is a compact, tailor-made thermal solution: Efficient, considering thermal quality (isothermics) and productivity (throughput); Cost effective, saving space, energy and maintenance costs; Easy and quick to set up and transfer; Can be integrated into existing or future production lines; Automated, in connection with robots that require repetitive and precise operations; Economical and competitive, linked to the degree of innovation, price and maintenance volume compared to conventional ovens; Clean and environmentally friendly, due to a design that eliminates all mechanisms and substances that can cause contamination; Safe and compliant with current human-machine safety and environmental standards; Polyvalent. ”
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A structure made of welded steel tubular profiles
A rotating table with 2 alternate positions, guided by a shaft and bearings, driven by a gear motor with a hollow shaft, detectors, adjustable stops. Support arms hold the trays.
A tray positioning station, consisting of a lift with 2 rack and pinion columns, linked by a shaft and driven by an electric motor, supports and pins allow the positioning of tools.
An electric lifting table for loading and unloading the trays in the tower, with lifting columns and linear encoder.
A set of electrically operated pawls for holding the 2 columns of trays.
A top transfer carriage for the trays, with chain and external variable speed gear motor.
A lower transfer carriage for loading the rotary table, driven by a linear unit with toothed belt and variable speed gear motor.
 A rear maintenance drawer with telescopic slides and interlocking, allowing the insertion and removal of trays or tools.
 Fibre optic detection, external inductive sensors, magneto-inductive sensors on cylinders.
Stackable trays in stainless steel or mild steel. 
Thermal insulation with rock wool panels.
Internal laboratory in aluminised sheet metal, welded watertight. Adjustable air distribution vanes for transverse distribution, lateral supply air distribution ducts.
External cladding in galvanised sheet steel, 4 hinged inspection doors sealed by large section hollow silicone seals and safety lock.
A centrifugal fan for hot air circulation, mounted on the oven wall.
A set of pre-formed, magnesia-insulated, rack-mounted, shielded resistors for easy maintenance.
A centrifugal cooling fan for air recirculation through an exchange battery. This coil will be supplied by Valeo's cold water network, and a 3-way valve and regulation probe will allow temperature management in the enclosure.
The registers for regulating the flow of fresh air and exhaust air to the furnace.
Two K thermocouples for regulation (heating and cooling).
Two safety K thermocouples with approved transmitter.
 An electrical cabinet, including :
A furnace PID temperature controller
A Siemens or Schneider PLC, Ethernet cards
Relays, protections, power supplies.
Command and control switches and indicators.
A 10-inch colour operator terminal.
Usocome drives and motors
Cabinet fans
Steel cable trays
 Example oven in pictures:
>> Recirculated hot air flow: 11 000 m3/h max.
>> Extract air flow rate: 500 m3/h max.
>> Cooling air flow rate: 3 000 m3/h
>> Heating power (electric resistances): 50 kW installed
>> Working temperature: 160 °C +/- 5 °C
>> Cooling output temperature: room temperature +/- 15 °C
>> 1 tray every 3 minutes. 
20 trays in total. Divided into two stacks and two zones. 
14 trays in heating zone. 6 trays in cooling zone. 
Dimensions of the installation (closed doors, without cabinet): 
L 4.00 m x W 2.50 m x H 4.50 m
Weight 6.5 t
Delivered in 2 pieces

Efficient, considering thermal quality (isotherm) and productivity (rate); Cost saving, space saving, energy saving and maintenance saving; Easy and quick to set up and transfer; Can be integrated into existing or future production lines; Automated, in connection with robots that require repetitive and precise operations; Economical and competitive, linked to the degree of innovation, price and maintenance volume compared to conventional ovens; Clean and environmentally friendly, with a design that eliminates all mechanisms and substances that can cause contamination Safe and respectful of current human-machine safety and environmental standards; Polyvalent Max. 350 °C

Industry Automotive E-mobility Hydrogen vessel tanks Electronic components and connectors


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See also

Industrial ovens Atmospheric furnace Chamber furnace Trolley furnace Bell furnace Crucible furnace Pot furnace Moving sole furnace


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