The laboratory vacuum shovel dryer DRUVATHERM® is a system provides reliable scale-up to production scales in the context of product and process development and can likewise be used for small batch production too.
The Lödige laboratory vacuum shovel dryer DRUVATHERM® is a horizontal, batch vacuum dryer with a frequency-controlled mixing tool. This mixer consisting of mixing elements adapted to the process and arranged on a shaft according to a specific system - is installed in a cylindrical mixing drum equipped with a temperature control jacket. Rotation of the mixing unit generates a three-dimensional product movement, in which all of the product is constantly in motion. The contact frequency of particles with the heat exchange surface leads to shorter drying times.
The chopper rotating at high speeds fitted to the side of the mixing drum is used to disperse the product . This leads to a significant increase in drying capacity and prevents moisture and temperature gradients.
100...200 kg H2O/h, volume 2000 L; p 0,02...2 barg (may be used for thermochemical treatment of suspensons); T 50...140 C