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Ultrasonic bolt load measurement Training

Force measurement


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Start an ultrasonic bolt load measurement training !

In which contexts? 
  • You aim to raise awareness among your engineers, technicians, or operators about the ultrasonic bolt tension measurement method
  • You have acquired a TRAXX-M2 system and want to train your staff using it.

The Standard training on ultrasonic bolt load measurement covers:

  • The ultrasonic elongation measurement method
  • The selection of sensors to use
  • The operation of the system (administrator and operator levels)
  • Practical exercises to master bolt load measurement
  • An Official TRAXX Training Certification
  • Three levels of training exist: Operator level, Administrator level, and Expert level

The Expert bolting training explores the most advanced uses, such as monitoring the bolt tension of a threaded assembly over time. To share our expertise in industrial bolting with you, all our training sessions are conducted by a qualified engineer.

Training sessions are designed for 6 people as a standard.

Why this training on ultrasonic bolt load measurement ?

Training your assembly team in ultrasonic bolt tension measurement offers several crucial advantages for optimizing operational efficiency. Firstly, this technique provides unparalleled precision in component bolting, thereby reducing the risk of failure due to improper bolting. Additionally, ultrasonic bolt load measurement minimizes thermal stresses on materials, extending the lifespan of equipment.

Furthermore, this approach enhances the reproducibility of assembly processes, ensuring consistent quality. By investing in this training, you strengthen your team’s skills and increase the reliability of your products.


The ultrasonic elongation measurement method The selection of sensors to use The operation of the system (administrator and operator levels) Practical exercises to master bolt load measurement An Official TRAXX Training Certification Three levels of training exist: Operator level, Administrator level, and Expert level

Aeronautics and Astronautics Energy Automotive Rail Construction, buildings, structures

See also

Metrology devices Level indication Distance measuring Surface roughness measurement Calibration device


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