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TR-36 rack based modem

Network equipment

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The TR-36 is a rack based modem designed to meet industry demand for reliability and functionality in environments with high levels of electrical interference. The RV- 07 (19” rack) can be fitted with up to 17 TR-36 modems, which makes it ideal for use where numerous modems need to be installed in a central location (modem pool). The TR-36 is a V.34 modem meaning that it can support bidirectional data rates of up to 33.6 kbit/s on the PSTN or leased line side.

Fast connect is a special feature that ensures leased lines can re-establish connections in about 5 seconds. The modem is equipped with transient protection on the line side and a “watchdog” that monitors and automatically resets the modem in the event of a fault. These functions together with remote configuration make the modem perfect for installation at unmanned sites and prevent the need for costly service trips.

The modem also has password protection, dial-back security and caller ID answering to ensure that only authorised users can communicate with the modem and any connected equipment. For ease of setup the modem is supported by the Westermo TD-tool configuration software and also has DIP switches to assist configuration. Drivers for Windows setup are also supplied.

Extended temperature range –25°C to +70°C
Data rate up to 33.6 kbit/s with Fast Connect
Terminal rate up to 115.2 kbit/s
2-/4-wire leased line
V.23 FDX/HDX with multidrop
DTR and incoming data dialling
DIP-switch configuration
Secure call back and access
Dial backup for PSTN and Leased Line
Industrial environment transient protection on all interfaces
Up to 11 data bits
Tri-Galvanic isolation (interface/line/supply)
RS-232 and RS-422 / RS-485 interface
Caller ID presentation and answering
Remote configuration


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See also

Network Cables Switches Servers HDMI cable Mono audio cable Cable jack Cable for peripherals


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