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Time and Attendance - B-Net 93 40

Electronic Identification System

The ball sector valve type 4032 with high-resolution motor actuator providing over 8,000 steps of resolution in 90° of travel. Developed as a basis weight control valve for paper production, this...

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Kaba presents the B-Net 93 40 Time and Attendance terminal with its rounded and visually appealing design. Besides the terminal's new shape its large graphic monochrome display is a striking feature giving the user ample space for individual information display.

The parameterizable terminal possesses five function keys that cover all standard time recording functions as well as four soft keys for further functionalities.

With its large memory the B-Net 93 40 can store 2,000 master records and 8,000 posting records or 3,500 master records and 3,000 posting records respectively.

The terminal is programmed in Java and comes with a standard Ethernet interface, however, can also be optionally integrated into an existing partyline via RS 485 interface. It can optionally be connected with the host via ISDN or modem. This feature is especially useful for branches and field warehouses. Because the terminal is equipped with two relays it can be used as door opener for access control. If the optionally available uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is being used, the B-Net 93 40 is able to maintain operation in case of power failure up to four hours under typical conditions.

New functions can be controlled with the soft keys, e.g. switch from one language to another (maximum of 4 languages). The new list function for keyboard input is also performed via softkeys. For instance if the employee is absent with reason, he or she can call up a list and choose the appropriate reason. Different information such as balances, overtime, vacation time available, etc. can be displayed. A software update of the B-Client HR2 terminal application can easily be carried out via Internet or Intranet. The terminal application as well as an additionally installed service mode can be restarted remotely.

Devis sur une gestion des Temps de Présence - Bedanet 93 40


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See also

Biometric Identification Safety gates Badges Access card readers Security gates Key control, Key management Electric barriers Parking barriers


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