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TenCate Polyfelt Rock PEC


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TenCate Polyfelt Rock PEC is a geocomposite consisting of continuous filament non woven, reinforced by high tenacity polyester yarns. Rock PEC is available in a wide range of tensile strengths, unidirectional and bidirectional. Special types can be manufactured on request.

Product advantages and applications

Rock PEC has been developed to combine the functions reinforcement, confinement, separation, filtration and drainage in one product. The combination of reinforcement and drainage makes Rock PEC perfectly suitable to reinforce soil structures which are constructed with intermediate or fine soils. These types of soil are often locally available, but tend to be susceptible for pore water pressure and are normally not suitable to build steep reinforced soil structures. The excellent drainage or in-plane permeability enable an accelerated dissipation of excess pore water pressure. This results, compared to geogrids or woven geosynthetics, into significantly higher soil strength characteristics. Rock PEC facilitates construction with these soils and shortens installation time.

Due to the better creep resistance of polyester in comparison with polypropylene and polyethylene, Rock PEC permits a more economical design. The non woven protects the reinforcing yarns against mechanical damage during installation further improving the long term design strength of the product.

Not only in reinforced soil structures, but also in road- and railway applications Rock PEC products provide the ideal combination of functions. It separates the granular base course layer from the soft and possibly saturated subgrade, maintaining the mechanical and physical properties and the effective thickness of the base course over a longer service period. The unique filter and drainage capability of Rock PEC allows free water flow, enabling accelerated dissipation of excess pore water pressure. Besides, it prevents migration (pumping) of fine soil particles from the subgrade into the base course. Stabilization of the subgrade and reinforcement of the base course layer is provided by the high strength polyester yarns.

This results in the following benefits for road- and railway applications:

• Improved service life
• Equivalent performance with reduced base course thickness
• Minimized disturbance of subgrade
• Provide access and constructability over very soft surfaces
• Establish a well-compacted non yielding platform

Rock PEC products are flexible and easy to install. Their surface structure and flexibility ensure excellent soil interaction.

The benefits of Rock PEC at a glance:
• Low creep permits economy in design
• Surface structure and flexibility ensure excellent soil-geotextile interaction
• In-plane permeability reduces excess pore-water pressure
• Filter-stable separation of soil layers
• Easy installation in one operation

The following are typical application areas for Rock PEC:
• Steep slopes
• Retaining walls
• (Un)paved roads and parking lots
• Railways



Check out all the products from category polypropylene

See also

Polyethylene Polyolefins


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