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Specific developments - O-Ring


“ New sealing solutions have also enabled the following issues to be addressed: - Starting torques - Friction stresses - Improvement of material properties - Optimized environment Hutchinson ORD: putting innovation at your disposal to bring you concrete improvement solutions and provide innovations related to your specific requirements. ”
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As a manufacturer, we can accompany your developments. Always lending an attentive ear to the demands of its clients, Hutchinson O-Ring Division is constantly developing new sealing solutions to meet the client’s specifications.

As an acknowledged leader, Hutchinson ORD has substantial means available:
- a laboratory dedicated to the development of compounds
- a control and compatibility testing laboratory
- FE calculation and digital simulation tools
- a physical and chemical testing laboratory with state-of-the-art equipment (spectrometers, SEM etc.)
- measurement and endurance benches
- the Hutchinson Research Centre

These tools, combined with the experience of our engineers, enable Hutchinson ORD to express its know-how by creating new compounds, specific profiles, innovative sliding treatments etc.

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See also

Waterproofing seal Flat gasket Extruded seal Sealing ring


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