HX9800R-PTN supports both MPLS-TP and Carrier Ethernet (EPL, EVPL, EPLAN, EVC defined in MEF) for packet transportation.
In addition to native Ethernet transport, HX9800R-PTN can be used as the gateway for PDH and SDH/SONET networks to enter PSNs using Circuit Emulation and Encapsulation technologies.
Encapsulation technologies include TDMoE, TDMoIP, and TDMoMPLS. Circuit Emulation include CESoPSN (NxDS0/64K), SAToP (Unframed E1/T1), and CEP (SDH/SONET paths). Pseudowires make grooming and multiplexing DS0, E1/T1, and SDH/SONET paths easier, and service integrity can also be monitored and protected via packet network protection schemes.
One HX9800R-PTN with core switching bandwidth up to 400Gbps supports 100GE, 40GE, 10GE and 1GE along with additional TDM interfaces, including STM-n/OC-n, E1/T1, and a rich variety of low-speed DS0 interfaces. The system is a perfect combination of PTN/CE, SDH, and PDH technologies.
HX9800R-PTN provides high availability and reliability required by Carrier, Power Utility, Military, Government and Transportation applications by supporting MPLS-TP LSP 1:1/1+1 protection and ERPS, with protection switching time
Power : Single -24 Vdc/-48 Vdc (-18 to -75 Vdc) power moduleHumidity 0-95%RH (non-condensing)