SAC as a systems house develops permanent individual solutions and consequently expands with each innovation its technologies in an practically-oriented way. As image processing with 2D evaluation mostly reaches its limits, our image processing experts developed a system for 3D evaluation via fringe projection method.
System’s operating mode :
The fringe projection method is perfectly suitable to measure smooth or curved, diffuse reflected surfaces. Thereby, fringes will be projected via a LED projector (combination of phase shift and Gray code method). This interference fringe will be shifted electronically and captured with a CCD gray-scale camera in a defined angle. Through single captures of the object-dependent distorted interference fringe, a high-precision 3D image of the specimen will be generated. The method’s measuring accuracy is according to the object characteristics ca. 0,1 % of the camera’s field of view.
Inspection Tasks :
Through the high-precision capture of the dept information, several inspection tasks can be realised, which by a purely 2D information mostly difficult or not at all can be solved. For example:
- Measuring of complex surface characteristics.
- Attendance inspection of parts.
- Classification on the basis of combined depth and colour information.
See also