“ - Up to 9 Gas Sensors - Low NOx and “True” NOx Measurements - Built-in Thermoelectric Chiller with Automatic Condensate Removal - Software for Real-Time Data Logging, Graphing, and Reporting with unlimited memory - CO Dilution Auto-Range for Measurements up to 20,000 ppm - Wireless Communication with PC & Printer ”
Accurate, reliable, robust & fast, the Si-CA?8500 Combustion Analyzer is the most powerful and advanced portable emissions analyzer on the market.
Complete portable tool for emissions level monitoring of boilers, engines, and other combustion equipment, this emissions monitoring device can boast as many as 9 gas sensors, detecting one of the widest spectra of gases: O2, CO, NO, NO2, SO2, CO2, CxHy, High CO, VOCs and H2S.
- Up to 9 Gas Sensors
- Low NOx and “True” NOx Measurements
- Built-in Thermoelectric Chiller with Automatic Condensate Removal
- Software for Real-Time Data Logging, Graphing, and Reporting with unlimited memory
- CO Dilution Auto-Range for Measurements up to 20,000 ppm
- Wireless Communication with PC & Printer
Demande de devis pour Analyseur de combustion
Demande de devis sur un analyseur de combustion
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