The new line of Linux based touchscreen MV3 Multizone Controllers is designed for applications containing a high number of zones in many industries: Automotive, Medical et Pharmaceutical, packaging, caps and closures, and technical parts.
M Series controllers are available in 6 sizes (XXS, XS, S, M, L et XL). Equipped with opto-insolated modular thermocouple cards (8 zones) , compact modular power cards in 2.5A (8 zones), 15A (4 zones), 20A (2 zones) or 30A (1 zone) with dual protection using fast acting fuses on each power card. This new generation of hot runner temperature controller will be able to control up to 336 zones. It offers 3 standard integrated touchscreen sizes- 7’’,10’’ and optional 12’’. With access to power and thermocouple cards facilitated by pivoting and detachable lateral shelves, this new generation offers all these advanced functions.
-Permanent self tuning control
-2 adjustable setpoint values
-Display of % power and load current per zone (Amps)
-High and Low Alarm (adjustable per zone, output on relay)
-Broken thermocouple (Display THC)
-Reversed thermocouple (Display THI)
-Automatic and Manual modes
-Zone Naming : MANIF1, SPRUE, TIP26
-Zoom in on 1 or more zones
-Keyboard locks with password
-Unlimited mold files
-Electrical Data from mold saved for analysis in real time
-Standard multilingual interface (12 available languages)
-Programmable display of zone data
- Boost function
- Percentage of Power Monitoring (%)
- Choice of 4 Softstart and Cooldown Programs (time duration, ˚C/minute, shifted, synchronized)
- Real-Time Mold Surveillance for deviations in electrical data
- Automatically switches to Manual Mode if a thermocouple breaks
- Control using thermocouple from another zone (Emergency Probe)
The MV3 Series uses a completely redesigned version of «Permanent Self Tuning Control» software, conceived and developed by SISE. This software continuously recalculates control parameters for each zone, immediately taking into account evolutions in the process. Additionally it integrates phase-angle control during Softstart, and pulse width during normal operation, guaranteeing a long life for heating elements while virgorously respecting EMC norms.
This line also offers essential functions for the operator like MOLDSCAN, which conducts an electrical diagnostic of the hot runner system. MoldScan saves the totality of this information in a reference file while is used at production startup to compare these values zone by zone. The PTI function recognizes reversed or pinched thermocouples, and lastly the system can detect material leaks in real time.
Multizone Controller with colour touchscreen6 models from 8 to 336 zones (XXS, XS, S, M, L, XL)Permanent self-tuning or PI adjustable programmingPower Monitoring (%) 4 adjustable or synchronized SoftStart modesSwitches to manual mode if a thermocouple breaksControl using thermocouple from another zone (Emergency Probe)Operates with Insulated and non-insulated ThermocouplesPTI function (detects reversed, pinched thermocouples)Detects Material Leaks in Real Time