iPort/USB brings I2C directly to your PC. Just load our free software, plug the iPort/USB into your computer's USB port, and you will be sending and receiving I2C messages in seconds.
The iPort/USB is our fastest and most powerful I2C Bus host adapter. USB-IF and Microsoft WHQL Certified, the iPort/USB will operate with any Windows Vista, or XP PC. Typical applications include product development and testing, EEPROM programming, device control and sensor networking.
Over the past few years, the I2C Bus has expanded from simple control to data intensive applications. As new uses arise, bus bandwidth and message overhead have become key issues in product design and testing. The iPort/USB, our fourth generation adapter for the I2C Bus, addresses these issues by supporting several I2C bus speeds, including fast mode (400kbit/s), and USB transfer rates up to 12 Mb/s. Implemented using a high-performance bus co-processor with optimized instruction set, the adapter also includes large message buffers (256 bytes) to reduce host computer and bus overhead. In addition to operating as a bus master or slave in a multi-master system, a built-in bi-directional /INT signal line allows the device to receive or generate "slave only" device notifications.
For more details : http://www.isit.fr/images/document/bus-de-terrain/Fiche-technique-ISIT-miic-204g.pdf
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