BLACKMASS is a non-chlorinated additive that belongs to the family of liquid integral waterproofing compounds. BLACKMASS chemically reacts with cement and causes additiona l crystallisations that block capillaries.
BLACKMASS also makes mortars and concretes more compact and easier to implement thanks to its plasticising/water reducing effect.
Although it contains no asphalt, BLACKMASS colours coatings and mortars in black, thus highli ghting where it has been used.
• Eliminates bleeding and segregation.
• Gives the coating a uniform appearance.
• Improves resistance to freeze/thaw cycles.
• Mass-dyed black.
• Chloride-free additive.
• Replaces asphalt felt in levelling courses (masonry structure).
• Reduces the crazing of coatings.
• Does not affect the adhesion of subsequent coatings (paint, plaster, TPC...)