SUPER CHARGE LIQUIDE is an ultra concentrated liquid product designed t o produce lighter mortar or plaster. The addition of SUPER CHARGE LIQUIDE alters the workability and characteristics of mort ars. Mortars prepared with SUPER CHARGE LIQUIDE are remarkable temperature regulators that enhance the resistance to condensation and saltpetre.
• Increases the volume of coatings by 20 to 23%.
• Reduces by 20 to 23% the quantity of coating required to cover the same surface.
• Allows coatings to be less prone to crazing and microcracking.
• Facilitates spraying of more than 3 cm per pass.
• Thanks to the smoothness of the mortars obtained, impermeability is enhanced and the risk of rising damp decreases.
• Improves resistance to freeze/thaw cycles.
• Compatible with non-hydraulic lime.
• Compatible with DORTHZ COLOR.
• Lightens and complements the waterproofing of coatings.