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FID THC Analyzer | JUM 3-300A

Air analysis

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The J.U.M. Engineering HFID Model 3-300A has proven itself over 27 years as a space-saving version of the rugged VE7 analyzer. This is a highly reliable, heated 19-inch rack-mounted total hydrocarbon (total organic carbon gas) analyzer. Designed for very low drift, high precision, sensitivity and stability. The 3-300A uses a hydrogen flame ionization detector (FID) in a heated furnace to prevent the loss of high molecular weight hydrocarbons and to provide reliable performance in analyzing high concentrations down to very low levels of traces of gaseous organic carbon contaminants in emissions, air and other gases and high purity gases.
All samples containing parts and components are discreetly integrated into an easy to maintain heated chamber system. The permanently heated sample filter is cleaned by back-purging with compressed air or nitrogen. This allows almost uninterrupted measurements while cleaning the sample filter. When back purging the sample filter, the connected heated sample line and the sample probe are also cleaned. This is a very unique feature which allows separate cleaning of the sample line. The use of a stacking probe filter is not necessary when the FID 3-300A is used in stand-alone mode.
The detector's combustion air supply is integrated. No expensive air generator or external synthetic air cylinder is required. The available rear panel sample line adapter plate system allows cold-spot coupling of a heated sample line inside the heated oven without the need for special tools. The fittings are easily accessible with the cover plate removed from the oven.
The 3-300A is a standard emission analyzer and therefore optimized in accordance with European specifications EN-12619: 2013. Several different target optimizations for "non EN-12619: 20136 applications are available.
Confirmed by TÃœV-Nord to comply with QAL1 EN 14181 and EN ISO 14956 (EU). Fully compliant with EN 12619: 2013 (EU) and EPA Method 25A and Method 503 (USA)

Made in Germany
Sampling choice 1 s t: Sample filter permanently installed and maintenance-free of the purge system allowing the filter to be cleaned without disassembly (automatic return purge optional)
2nd choice of sampling: disposable sample filter easily accessible in the
rear panel without special tools. This optional feature is approx. 20% price advantage.
All components in contact with the sample are fully heated and digitally maintained at 190 ° C
Integrated sampling pump
Integrated combustion air pump and feed, no additional air cylinder required
2 micron stainless steel mesh permanent sample filter to be cleaned by back purging with dry compressed air or nitrogen. Available in a disposable 2 micron sample filter
"Overflow" calibration system for safe zero and span calibration
Automatic shut-off alarm contact and optional fuel shut-off valve
Quick response in less than 1 second @ sample input
Low fuel consumption at 100% or 40/60 combustible gas mixtures
Microprocessor PID type temperature controller
Coupling without cold point of a heated sample line inside the heated oven with optional adapter plate (does not work with OVE option)
Remote control for sample, zero gas, calibration gas and back purge is standard
Optional automatic or remote range change


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See also

Gas analysis Chemical analysis Water analysis Soil analysis Combustion analyzers Composition of liquids and density Composition of solids Electrodes, Measuring probes


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