This regulator is used for monitoring the differential pressure across fabric filters, and actuating electronic pulse control units. Such a system can be used to adapt the cleaning cycle according to the dust build-up, thereby saving energy and extending filter element life.
A microcontroller acquires the measurements and provides the control function. The pressure signal is obtained with an 8 bit sensor. All of the regulator models except for the 10mbar one provide a choice of two ranges for the display and pressure measurement supplied via the analog output.
The 2-point regulator's switching points for Relay output ON and OFF can be set separately. Two alarm contacts can be configured to detect cleaning faults indicated by the pressure falling outside the limits. All of the switching outputs are operated in a safety circuit to ensure the contacts are closed if the supply to the regulator fails.
The regulator conforms to the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) (89/336/EEC) and Low Voltage (72/73/EEC) Directives. The models with IP65 case have been tested by the DMT-Fachstelle für Sicherheit elektrischer Betriebsmittel for use in Zone 22 (Category 3D) hazardous areas.
See also